Hack the Box Challenges

Cartographer by Arrexel

We are in front of a challenge, and we are going to solve it.

First of all we press “Start Instance” and we see that it has started and now we have the host and the port that we need.

So the next thing that we are going to do is to copy and paste them, then press “ENTER

After it, how we can see we are on the log in page, where we need to write our “username” and “password”. What we need to do is to break the security of the website and to get our flag. After i checked, i find out that the site is vulnerable for SQL injections. So we need to write the same “username” and “password” which is ‘or’1’=1.

After we login we are already on this page, but something is still wrong.

I decided to try my luck and instead “home” to write “flag”.

And after this i was moved to the next, final page, we have done it!

Now we have the HTB and we can submit it on Hack the Box:

Crypto : You can do it!

Next challenge is from “Crypto”.

So what do we need, to download the zip and to use the password “hackthebox” when we will try to open the document inside the zip.

After opening the document from zip we can see there something hard to understand

There are more ways to decrypt it, but i will use the fastest one, online decrypter

We copy and paste what the document contains and press “DECRYPT CAESAR BOX”. Now in the left side of the screen we can see the results, i will atach one more screenshot to show it closer:

Usually the first one is always the correct one, so if we concentrate we can see there “You see that you can do it”.

Now let’s go to Hack the Box and submit it and see if it works. If you submit like this your challenge should be already finished perfectly.